Basic Linux Command - Part 1

Creating files in Linux-

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We can create File in Linux in different ways:

  1. Touch Command: The Touch command is the easiest way to create new empty files.

    Ex- # touch filename i.e #touch f (f is a filename) - It will create an empty file in pwd (present working directory)

    - Create a file in a specific folder

    # touch /home/f1 - under root folder.

    # touch f1 f2 f3 f4 - Create multiple files.

  2. Cat or Concatenate Command: It is used to create multiple text files together.

    Ex- #cat >file1 Press enter

    type text here

    Ctrl+D to save.

    #cat file1 - To see the content of the file.

    #cat file1 fil2 > file3 - All file file1 and file text move to file3.

  3. Vi/Vim: It is a programmer text editor used to edit all kinds of plain text and also we can create files with vi command.

    Ex- #vi file1 - Press enter

    Press i to insert the text

    Type here .....

    Press Esc then: colon


    Note - Keywords used in vi editor

    :wq or :x - To save and quit

    :w - To save

    :q - Quit

    :q! - Force quit no save.

  4. Nano Command:

    #nano file1

    type here...

    Ctrl+X then Press y.

    *tac command - it shows file content in reverse. i.e last line of text will display first.

    #tac file

    * stat command - stat is a Linux command line utility that displays detailed information about a file or a file system like access, modify, change date etc.

    #stat file

    * List Files and dir


    #ls -la - List all

*Linux File System Hierarchy:

/home - Home dir of other users

/root - Home dir for root users

/boot - Contains bootable files for Linux. ex- initd

/etc - Contains all configuration files

/usr - By default software are install in this dir

/bin - Contains command used by all users

/sbin - Contains command used by root users

/opt - Optional application software package

/dev - Essential device file include terminal devices, usb or any devices attached to the system