Day9: Devops Journey

Deep Dive in Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers.

What is Git and why is it important?

It is a DevOps tool used for source code management. The main purpose of Git is to manage different versions of a project, which could be source code, documents, large data sets, or anything else you wish to track. It allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously, without overwriting each other's changes

Why it is important:

  • Version control & collaboration

  • Backup & Restore

  • Branching & Merging

  • Staging Area

  • Distributed System

  • Speed & it is open source.

    What is difference Between Main Branch and Master Branch??

The "main" and "master" branches have the same purpose: they both represent the default branch of a repository. The term "master" has traditionally been used as the default branch in Git. Later it become "main" as the default branch name instead.there isn't a functional difference between "main" and "master" branch. The difference lies primarily in the naming convention.

Can you explain the difference between Git and GitHub?

  • Git is a version control system that allows the developer to track their code while GitHub is a web-based graphical interface that hosting service for git repository.

  • Git is a software while GitHub is a service.

  • Git is maintained by Linux while Github is maintained by Microsoft.

  • Git is a command-line tool while Github provides a graphical interface.

  • Git has no user while Github has a built-in user.

  • Git is installed locally on the system while GitHub is hosted on the web.

    How do you create a new repository on GitHub?

    • Sign in to your GitHub account.

    • Click on the '+' icon at the top right corner of your GitHub homepage. From the dropdown menu, select 'New repository'.

    • You'll be directed to a new page - Here fill the details include repo name, description ,visibility etc.

    • Create repository at the bottom of page.

      What is difference between local & remote repository? How to connect local to remote?

      Local repository:

      • A local repository is present on your local machine.

      • It contains all the files, commits, branches, and history of your project.

      • We have direct access to it, and we can work on our project without an internet connection.

      • If we make any changes to files in the local repository. It can be tracked and committed locally.

Remote repository:

  • A remote repository is hosted on a server like GitHub or GitLab.

  • It is a central location where multiple developers can collaborate on a project.

  • It provides us backup of code and allows us to easily share and collaborate.

  • It allows team members to access the latest changes made by others and to contribute to their changes.

Task-1: Set your user name and email address, which will be associated with your commits.

git config"GitHub username"

git config"Github email"


  • Create a repository named "Devops" on GitHub

  • Connect your local repository to the repository on GitHub.

  • Create a new file in Devops/Git/Day-02.txt & add some content to it

  • Push your local commits to the repository on GitHub

Step 1: Open the GitHub account and create a Git repository named DevOps.

  • Connect your local repository to the repository on GitHub.

    • Push your local commits to the repository on GitHub.

      #git init

      #mkdir git

      #vim day2.txt


      #cd git

      #git add .

      #git status

      #git branch -M main - change branch to main from master

      #git commit -m "made some changes in file"

      #git branch -M main - change branch to main from master

      Create token for authentication:

      Github > profiles > settings > Developer settings > personal access tokens > classic token > generate a personal token > set expiry date > select scopes > create token > copy & paste on notepad for later use.

      #git push -u origin main


      Thank you for reading my blog:)