Linux Day-3

Package Management in Linux:

  • Package management is a method of installing, updating**,** removing, and keeping track of software updates from specific repositories (repos) in the Linux system. Linux distros often use different package management tools such as RPM and Yum.


  • Redhat Package Management

  • RPM is a default open-source package management utility for RedHat-based systems like (RHEL, CentOS and Fedora). The tool allows system administrators and users to install, update, uninstall, query, verify and manage system software packages in Unix/Linux operating systems. The RPM was formerly known as a **.**rpm file.

  • # rpm -q -a q= query , a= all.

    It will list down all installed software in the OS.

    • #rpm -q firefox

      #rpm -q -l firefox l= longlist.

      #rpm -q -i firefox i= information

      #rpm -e firefox e= erase/uninstall

      • **When we try to install Firefox with #rpm -i Firefox in a newly installed OS, we get this error message. [root@localhost ~]# rpm -i Firefox

        error: open of Firefox failed: No such file or directory.

      • To install any software we need the RHEL iOS image file which we use to install OS in a virtual box. We have attached an iOS image in a virtual box.

      • Open virtual box > Devices > Optical Drivers > choose/create a disk image. Once added go to Files > RHEL ios (left side) > Appstreams > Packages. Open Packages and double-click on the software you want to install.

      • We can perform the same through the command line.

        #df Copy the RHEL ios file path

        #cd path


        #cd Appstream/

        #cd packages/

        #rpm -i firefox.... i= install - Normal installation

        #rpm -i -v firefox.... v= verbose -shows background process

        #rpm -ivh firefox... installation progress hash

** Take Screenshots in Linux: We use the gnome command to take screenshots in Linux.

#gnome-screenshot - take screenshot

#which gnome-screenshot - Where it located.

#gnome-screenshot -f /root/folder1/s1.png - save screenshot on specific location

#gnome-screenshot -f /root/folder1/ new.png --delay=20 - Screenshot after 20 sec

** Special Notes:

  • ctrl+s = it will hide the command you type on terminal

  • ctrl+q = To check all hidden commands output.


  • Yellowdog Updated Modified.

  • YUM is an open-source command line as well as a graphical-based package management tool for RPM-based Linux systems.

    It allows users and system administrators to easily install, update, remove or search software packages on a system.

  • YUM relies on an online repository for installing packages.

  • Before using the yum command, need to enable the repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d . This is a one-time task before using yum the first time.

  • When we try to use the yum command without enabling repositories.

#df - Here copy the RHEL iso image path

#cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

#gedit mydvd.repo

Save the above entry on Notepad.

#yum install httpd

#yum remove httpd - to uninstall the program with dependencies.

#dnf install httpd - dnf also use to install software faster than yum.

#yum update httpd - to update any software.

#yum list httpd - Use the list function to search for the specific package with a name

#yum info firefox

Will continue more yum commands in next blog.

Thank you🙏